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As the large majority of buildings today have running water, plumbers are always needed when there is the inevitable leak, clog or burst pipe. One of the great things about plumbing jobs in Savannah, is that you don’t need a college degree, as it is skill-based and you are trained on-the-job. If you are looking for a successful career and you are good with your hands, this could be the job for you.

Job Description

Between the years of 2012 and 2022, plumbing positions are projected to grow 21 percent, making for a multitude of opportunities to make this your career. Plumbing can be a rewarding trade, as you would get to learn a valuable skill, all while financially supporting you and your family, as plumbers in Georgia can start out making anywhere between $20,000 and $26,000 per year.

There is also a wide variety of positions for plumbing jobs in Savannah, ranging from making house calls to fitting pipes. On the job, you would learn how to fix leaking pipes and faucets, broken valves, toilets, sinks, water lines and more. Oftentimes, many companies will also go into commercial buildings to inspect any plumbing issues that they may be having.

Being a pipefitter or steamfitter differs a little from the tasks performed by a general plumber. Pipefitters are usually responsible for installing, maintaining and repairing piping systems, typically in the industrial arena. So if you are interested in larger projects, this might be the route for you. These types of positions may require more training, and you would start out as an apprentice or helper.

Featured Employers

The Henry Plumbing Company in Savannah, Georgia specializes in residential plumbing repair services. Their employees would have the opportunity to help out those that live in their community. If you are more interesting plumbing jobs in Savannah that pertain to pipe or steam fitting, the Industrial Pipe and Supply Company, based out of Gainesville focuses on selling industrial pipe supplies.

For More Details

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