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Also known as high pressure water blasting, hydroblasting is used in routine cleaning and maintenance for industrial manufacturers. Hydroblasting jobs in Savannah, and other cities in Georgia, employ those who are looking for work in the industrial and factory cleaning businesses.

Job Description

In order to clean giant pieces of machinery, factories and manufacturers will hire hydroblasting companies to clean their equipment. This is a common method of cleaning that has proven to be effective, when working with large surfaces and places that are hard-to-reach.

You will learn how to use these high-powered pressure washing systems safely and effectively. Safety is very important in this job, as these hydroblasters can pump water with pressure up to 20,000 PSI, or 38 gallons per minute.

Holding the “gun” of the hydroblaster, you would be able to direct where the stream of water goes, so that you clean the entire area as instructed. These areas can include, but not be limited to: tanks, pits, basins, tubes, ductwork, drainage systems and cooling towers.

The average salary for hydroblasters in Georgia is near $31,000 a year. This type of job would provide you with the benefits of having a fulfilling career.

Featured Employers

Located in Savannah, EnviroVac not only hires people to perform vacuum related services, but for hydroblasting jobs as well. So if you are looking for a hydroblasting job in Savannah, these could be two companies to check out.

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